Blossom (voiced by Cathy Cavadini) is known for being the smartest one, as well as being the self-proclaimed leader of the Powerpuff Girls. Her personality ingredient is "everything nice", her signature color is pink, and she has long fiery red hair with a red bow.[20] She was named for having spoken freely and honestly to the Professor shortly after her creation. She is often seen as the most mature, level-headed, and composed member of the group, although she can at times be fussy, overbearing, petty, and too analytical. She tends to "parent" Bubbles and Buttercup, and often tries to play peacemaker between the two if they fight (though she is very quick to argue with Buttercup). In the episode "Ice Sore", she discovered her ability to freeze objects with her breath, and breathe fire. She also speaks Chinese.
And here is what I say.
Blossom is cool and a great leader, even if she is bossy
sometimes. She has beautiful hair and her special power is ice breath.
often fights with Buttercup, but they don’t mean the mean things they say
because they love each other because they are sisters. She likes to plan strategies
instead of fighting head on. She is sensitive, but not as much as Bubbles. You
could say she’s the ‘smartest’ of the group, but only by a little because the
other girls are smart in their own right. Blossom has her flaws, but when she
does something wrong she always feels bad about her actions.
"Not only are we dealing with a petty criminal, we're dealing with... a tarot-ist!" - Blossom (I See a Funny Cartoon in Your Future)
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